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Type Checking

A Haskell program won't compile unless the types are consistent, and no coercion of types will take place automatically:

intToBool :: Int -> Bool
intToBool x = x > 5

-- this line won't type check!
badInput = intToBool True

badInput won't compile, because it fails to typecheck: it tries to apply intToBool to a Bool, but intToBool takes an Int as input.

The compiler will provide an error which tells you this:

Type checking

Why this is useful

In conjunction with Haskell's ability to create custom types, static typing allows you to enforce conceptual distinctions, which can vastly increase code safety and understanding:

data ChessSquare = Square Int Int
data Color = Black | White deriving Show

squareColor :: ChessSquare -> Color
squareColor (Square i j) 
    | even (i+j) = White
    | otherwise = Black

correct =  squareColor (Square 2 4)

-- this line won't type check, and your program won't compile!
incorrect = squareColor (2,4)

incorrect won't compile, because it fails to typecheck: it tries to apply squareColor to a tuple (Int, Int), but squareColor takes a ChessSquare as input.

Even though a ChessSquare is a pair of integers "under the hood", it represents a square on a chess board, and your code (such as squareColor) will respect this distinction.

How to debug a type error

The most general strategy for debugging a type error (aside from carefully reading the error message) is to replace expressions in your program with undefined.

For example

example = fst (intToBool 4)

will fail to typecheck. One could first replace 4 with undefined:

example = fst (intToBool undefined)

This will still fail to typecheck, so the problem is not the argument of intToBool.

As a next step, replace a larger expression:

example = fst (undefined)

This will typecheck, so you know that the problem is the output of intToBool. (More specifically, fst expects a tuple, but gets a Bool.)

Once you have removed the error, you can ask the compiler for the type of the expression you replaced with undefined. See the next section for details.

Last update: January 12, 2023
Created: January 8, 2023
