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Syntactic constructs


Haskell is indentation sensitive, like Python. Tabs or spaces are fine.

example input = result <> " tree" where
    result = case input of
        True -> "red"
        False -> "black"

Infixing and sections

For operators like + or / that are written infix (i.e. in between their two arguments), as opposed to prefix (before their arguments), Haskell has some syntactic sugar:

repl example
-- treating an infix function as a prefix function
> 5 / 2
> (/) 5 2 -- (1)!
> (/) 2 5
> (/ 5)  2 -- (2)!
> (5 /)  2

-- treating a prefix function as an infix function
> let subtract x y = x - y
> subtract 6 4
> 6 `subtract` 4
  1. Whether infix or not, the type of (/) is Double -> (Double -> Double).
  2. This is called a "section".

Infixing in types

Similarly, -> is a type-level infix operation: a -> b can be written (->) a b.

As this suggests, -> is like Either in that it is a function on types:

repl example
> :kind (->)
(->) :: * -> (* -> *)
> :kind (->) Bool
(->) Bool :: * -> *
> :kind (->) Bool Bool 
(->) Bool Bool :: *


Haskell tends to avoid brackets when possible.

Expressions like 4 * 3 + 5 take a default bracketing (given when the operators were defined).

Functions application is left-associative:

  • f x y z means ((f x) y) z
  • Either Bool Int means (Either Bool) Int

The -> type is right-associative:

  • A -> B -> C -> D means A -> (B -> (C -> D))

Dollar Sign

Code like the following is common in Haskell:

exampleWithDollar = not $ (> 3) 4

This is equivalent to:

exampleWithoutDollar = not ( (> 3) 4)


$ is just a regular function, used infix, and defined so that f $ x = f x.

For more explanation, see:

Dollars can be stacked:

exampleWithDollar = not $ (> 3) $ head [1,2,3]

means the same as:

exampleWithoutDollar = not ((> 3) (head [1, 2, 3]))


Whenever you see a $, read everything to the right as the input to what is on the left.


Here is an example of a case _ of statement:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text (Text)

data Color = Black | White
data Piece = Bishop Color | Knight Color | King Color

pieceToText :: ChessPiece -> Text
pieceToText (Piece _ color) = case color of 
    Black -> "black"
    White -> "white"   

This is a convenient way to pattern match.


These are similar to case statements, but instead of pattern matching, you give a boolean condition:

example :: Int -> Bool
example x 
    | x > 0 && x < 10 = True
    | otherwise = False


example :: Int
example = 
    let val1 = 5 
        val2 = val1 + 5
    in val1 + val2 + 1 

Let-bindings may be recursive.

example :: Int
example = 
    let val1 = 0 : val2
        val2 = 1 : val1
    in val1


This gives an infinite list. You can sample from it as follows:

> take 20 example

See the section on laziness for more information.


Similar to let:

example = val1 where
    val1 = 0 : val2
    val2 = 1 : val1

See here for differences .

Last update: January 12, 2023
Created: January 8, 2023
